Thursday, October 18, 2007

It seems that I am wrong

The artical( below) is reproduced from

October 18, 2007
YouTube blocked in China; Flickr restored
Web 2.0 censorship continues in China
Steven Schwankert
China watchers, get your scorecards out: Google's YouTube is blocked, Wikipedia is still blocked, but, for the moment, Google blog site is available and some pictures from Yahoo's Flickr photos can once again be viewed.
China-based users accessing YouTube since Wednesday afternoon began receiving the dreaded "The server at is taking too long to respond," the typical response when a user attempts to view a site that has been blocked.

Google's blog site, Blogspot, is currently available after being blocked in June. An unblocking of the site last year led to the availability of a Shanghai-based foreign blogger known as Chinabounder, whose blog recounted the author's sexual exploits with Chinese women while working as an English teacher. The posts ultimately led to an unsuccessful hunt for the author and a temporary closing of the blog. Google did not respond immediately to a request for comment on YouTube's block and Blogspot's availability.

Photo site Flickr is once again displaying most of its photos, after its pictures, but not the site itself, were blocked in June. The Flickr photo block was the most obvious indicator that China's blocking technology goes beyond simple domain restrictions, but could target sub-domains. Even now, some Flickr images remain blocked while others display. For example, searching for the term 'Beijing' from a China-based computer displays the larger photos on the left, but the avatars of users do not load.

China regularly blocks access to websites that it finds objectionable, including those dealing with politically sensitive subjects such as the Falun Gong religious cult and independence for Taiwan and Tibet, along with some pornographic sites. However, while both and are available, the BBC's news site is not. The Chinese government does not announce or comment when a site is blocked or made available.

The current blocking may be related to the Communist Party Congress, which began on 15 October in Beijing and ends on Sunday. Held once every five years, the meeting is the Chinese government's most important political gathering, used to create five-year plans, which are the bedrock of China's centrally-planned economy. It is also often used to reshuffle government positions or for leaders to consolidate their power.

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