Sunday, October 22, 2006

Plan,start to work hard

Flow to Shanghai,
everything was ready,the air ticket cost me 750yuan,chose take plane instead of train,because i want to save time.The K73 from Chongqing to Shanghai would last almost 43 hours.

and today,phoned to myteacher who taught International Law, i told her the topic of my paper was finished. I asked her when and where hand my topic(legal status of Territorial).Wednesday(10.25),teacher will instruct me.

Friday,i will in Shanghai,and then go to Jiangsu,where my parents will wait me home.

tomorrow,i must ready for my Graduate Examination.Time isn't enough for me.

Come on!

PS:upload my photo in Ji Xian,Tianjin (Left is me,and right is one of my best friends,Li Guoguang.)

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