Monday, April 21, 2008

Go! Takahiro Yamamoto

Takahiro Yamamoto(山本隆弘選手),who is the best talented player in Japanese men's volleyball team.
Yamamoto got great success in 17th men's volleyball world cup which held in his nativeland 2003.

In that great season,the left handed player got the honor as best player !

Though prospered his career , it's individuals after all.

The best wish for Yamamoto is that he could lead his team-mates get an admission ticket for the Olympic Games!

In 2004,he and the Japanese team failed.The failure made him retire from the national's team.

A year later,Yamamoto get married,everything seems good for him.

Giving up the comfortable life,he determined to come back to the traning court.Beijing Olympic,his vital aim!

In 2006 men's volleyball world championship,Yamamoto played so well that he and his team-mates got into the quterfinal historically!

Good luck,Yamamoto! Wish you and Japanese team will get an admission ticket in re-dance match in june!

Expecting you will come to Beijing!

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